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  2. Calculate CRC32 correctly with Python - Stack Overflow

    Python 2 (unlike py3) is doing a signed 32-bit CRC. Those sites are doing an unsigned 32-bit CRC. The values are the same otherwise, as you can see from this: >>> 0x100000000 - 0xb1d4025b == 0x4e2bfda5. True. One quick way to convert from 32-bit signed to 32-bit unsigned is: *. >>> -1311505829 % (1<<32) 2983461467.

  3. First I want to state out that I am a middle school student. This code is a code that when a user inputs two names, it can see how many "true love" letters occur in the names and see how well are they going on. I want to know how can I simplify this code as below. Would someone please help me?

  4. That's because Python's % performs a true modulus, which returns values on the range [0, divisor) and pairs well with floored division (towards negative infinity). C languages use the % operator for remainder operations which returns values on the range (-divisor, divisor) and pairs well with standard division (towards zero).

  5. Age from birthdate in python - Stack Overflow

    from datetime import date. def calculate_age(born): today = try: birthday = born.replace(year=today.year) except ValueError: # raised when birth date is February 29 and the current year is not a leap year. birthday = born.replace(year=today.year, month=born.month+1, day=1) if birthday > today:

  6. Add Q₅ + 365 × Y to D. Step H. (Optional) You can add a constant of your choosing to D, to force a particular date to have a particular day-number. Do the steps A~G for each date, getting D₁ and D₂. Step I. Subtract D₁ from D₂ to get the number of days by which D₂ is after D₁.

  7. So from the previous code, I removed p = 10000, n = 12, r = 0.08 because it would give a large number when you input different numbers. My hope was it would calculate it with the numbers inputted, but it doesn't. # User must input principal, Compound rate, annual rate, and years.

  8. Simple unit converter in Python - Stack Overflow

    I am new to programming and I am trying to make a simple unit converter in python. I want to convert units within the metric system and metric to imperial and vice-versa. I have started with this c...

  9. pycharm - Payroll Calculator in python - Stack Overflow

    I'm writing a payroll calculator for school in python 3. The user input starts by asking for your name or "0" to quit the program. whenever I enter "0" at the start the program closes as it should, but if I enter it after calculating a users pay it prints (end of report and the previous payroll information).

  10. Here a shortened version of shasan's code, calculating the 95% confidence interval of the mean of array a: import numpy as np, scipy.stats as st. st.t.interval(0.95, len(a)-1, loc=np.mean(a), scale=st.sem(a)) But using StatsModels' tconfint_mean is arguably even nicer: import statsmodels.stats.api as sms.

  11. Calculating CRC16 in Python - Stack Overflow

    I'm trying to evaluate appropriate checksum based on CRC-16 algorithm using crcmod Python module and 2.7 version of Python interpreter. The checksum parameters are: CRC order: 16 ; CRC polynomial: 0x8005 ; Inital value: 0xFFFF ; Final value: 0x0000 ; Direct: True ; Code: