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  2. Daily Devotions - In Touch Ministries

    How can you create reminders of the Lord's faithfulness? October 1, 2024. Joshua 3:10-17 - Joshua 4:1-8. Some information—like a birthday or phone number—is easy to remember. Yet we tend to forget examples of the Lord’s goodness to us. Today’s verses suggest a way to counteract this.

  3. Daily Devotions - In Touch Ministries

    Hebrews 11:17-19. The Lord doesn’t let us experience tremendous spiritual moments simply so we may boast or witness something marvelous. Instead, He uses them to build genuine faith. An exceptional encounter of this sort is intended to encourage our growth and deepen our intimacy with God.

  4. Daily Devotions - In Touch Ministries

    Daily Devotion. Spiritual Experiences: Real or Counterfeit? If you want to know God deeply and personally, listen to Him. September 28, 2024. Luke 9:28-37. God sometimes gives us an amazing spiritual experience. And when He does, it’s to reveal truth about Himself. That’s what happened at the Mount of Transfiguration.

  5. Daily Devotions Archive - In Touch Ministries

    Live a more devoted life in Christ and enjoy these biblical meditations inspired by the teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley.

  6. A Heart of Gratitude - In Touch Ministries

    First, we gain a personal relationship with the one true God—the sovereign, omniscient, and omnipresent Lord of all creation. Second, our Creator loves us with an everlasting and unconditional love. Third, He sent His Son to pay our sin-debt so that we could spend eternity with Him.

  7. The Fruit of Wisdom - In Touch Ministries

    July 6, 2022. James 3:13-18. The world claims to know the path to a successful and rewarding life: ambition, education, wealth, public recognition, power, and influence. But human wisdom is foolishness in God’s eyes (1 Corinthians 3:19).

  8. For All Things? - In Touch Ministries

    November 2, 2023. Ephesians 5:18-21. In Ephesians 5:20, Paul tells believers to “always [give] thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father.”. When we pray in the name of Jesus, we express our desire to reflect His character and seek His glory.

  9. A Heart for Wisdom - In Touch Ministries

    Next time you feel unsure of yourself or your abilities, remember to follow Solomon’s example. Ask the Lord to give you a heart of wisdom to do—with excellence—what He has called you to. Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 25-26.

  10. Getting in God’s Way - In Touch Ministries

    Getting in God’s Way. Listen for the Lord's voice—even when you are helping others—to be sure you are doing His will. August 30, 2024. Matthew 16:21-23. Believers are called to be compassionate (Luke 10:37), but we must show discernment when practicing kindness.

  11. Works in Progress - In Touch Ministries

    Works in Progress. God patiently guides drifting believers back into His will. January 28, 2024. Isaiah 64:8-9. In a studio, the potter has complete power over the clay. The same is true of God: As our Creator, He can do with us whatever He chooses.