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  2. Netlify renders 404 on page refresh (using React and...

    8. If you ran into this issue for React Native Web, using an Expo-managed workflow, this solution fixed the problem: Create a netlify.toml in the project's root directory. Add the following code in the netlify.toml file: [[redirects]] from = "/*". to = "/index.html". status = 200.

  3. Catch all redirect for create-react-app in netlify

    To catch all the redirects use /* /index.html 200 in _redirects file. According to the netlify docs, the _redirects file should be in your root build directory. create-react-app by default creates all build files under the folder named build. so just modify the build scripts in package.json to add the _redirects in the build folder after ...

  4. To solve the issue of Netlify page not found errors when refreshing a page, one solution is to create a file named "_redirects" in the public folder and write "/* /index.html 200" in that file. This will tell Netlify to redirect any requests that it doesn't recognize to your index.

  5. 4. The netlify-cli can deploy directories without modifying a git repo. Here is an example usage: npm run build. netlify status. netlify deploy. and if everything looks good on your draft URL, take it live with the --prod flag. netlify deploy --prod. Everything will update automatically.

  6. On June 15 2020 Netlify made a configuration change "adding the environment variable CI to build environments, with the value of true." In your Build and Deploy settings on Netlify change your build command to CI= npm run build. This will prevent Netlify from treating warnings as errors. More discussion on this issue can be found in Netlify's ...

  7. Netlify will host all static content in the folder you tell it to on deploy. You are currently telling Netlify to put your whole repository into the site starting at the root of the repository. This is causing issues with your relative paths. You can go to any path in your repository at this time on your site and get a returned response of the ...

  8. 6. The better approach is using a proxy like this, Create a file called netlify.toml in the root directory of the project. (i.e. next to index.html) [[redirects]] from = "/<path-to-access-cors-url>". to = "<cross-origin-url>". status = 200. force = true. headers = {X-From = "Netlify"}

  9. 3. Netlify is a good solution for host static files, but it need a git repository. Because you can't touch into Netlify server to upload your file, Netlify is not your own VPS. That's why everything you need is: Create a git repository (github/gitlab/etc) Connect that repository to Netlify. Deploy. That's all!

  10. Solution: Use the _redirects file at the root of your deployed site (in your "Publish directory, next to index.html) to redirect traffic to https. Here is an example of the file. _redirects. # redirect netlify sitename to your sitename for SEO purposes, # to avoid duplicate content. Do this for http and https.

  11. Add a placeholder like API_KEY_PLACEHOLDER somewhere in the netlify.toml redirects or headers sections. Create an Build Environment Variable, for example API_KEY, with the desired value. You can do this in the toml file or in our UI in the Build and Deploy Settings section of your configuration.