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  2. 19. Sounds like Make isn't in your git-bash's path. A quick search shows this guide, which suggests the following steps: Go to ezwinports. Download (get the version without guile). Extract zip. Copy the contents to your Git\mingw64\ merging the folders, but do NOT overwrite/replace any existing files.

  3. Here's another, slightly different, set of instructions to install zip for git bash on windows: Navigate to this sourceforge page; Download; In the zipped file, in the bin folder, find the file zip.exe. Extract the file zip.exe to your mingw64 bin folder (for me: C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin) Navigate to to this sourceforge page

  4. I think my solution above may not be up to date anymore. If you installed a new version of Anaconda, and checked "Add anaconda to my PATH environment variable" during its instalation, then I believe you can run conda init bash from a git bash terminal. This will create an entry to your .bash_profile. In your case, I think the difference between ...

  5. windows - Where is git.exe located? - Stack Overflow

    534. If you're using GitHub for Windows, git.exe may not be in your PATH, but you may find it in a location like: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_<numbersandletters>\bin\git.exe. That's the situation for me, in Windows 7 + version 1.0 of GitHub for Windows. In Windows 10 it appears to be in:

  6. Package management in Git for Windows (Git Bash)?

    Run C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe will launch the bash of Git for Windows. Run C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe will launch bash of msys2. Configure the path of bash for terminal programs, such as Hyper Terminal. Since Git is in the system folder, terminal programs should be Run as administrator.

  7. Alternatively, go to "Tools -> Options" then "Environment -> Terminal". Click the Add button. Configure the bash shell: set the name to something you like (I use "git bash" because I'm boring), as executable use c:\program files\git\bin\bash.exe, as arguments use --login -i to get your default aliases and so on.

  8. To have the wget command in the gitbash shell, Quick and dirty replacement for the single argument, fetch a file usecase: alias wget='curl -O'. -O, --remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file. Maybe give the alias a different name so you don't try to use wget flags in curl. This has nothing to do with the shell package.

  9. How to configure git bash command line completion?

    E.g. on a fresh ubuntu machine, I've just run sudo apt-get git, and there's no completion when typing e.g. git check[tab].

  10. I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in. C:\Users\MY_UNAME. I would like to uninstall it (and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of . C:\Users\MY_UNAME. say

  11. Then complete the setup by following these steps. Open windows terminal and find "Settings" in the drop-down list in the top right corner of the menu bar (or use the shortcut ctrl+,); Click on "Add new profile" at the bottom of the left hand column, then the settings template screen will pop up automatically.