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  2. Get a list from Pandas DataFrame column headers

    Create a list of keys/columns - object method to_list() and the Pythonic way: my_dataframe.keys().to_list() list(my_dataframe.keys()) Basic iteration on a DataFrame returns column labels: [column for column in my_dataframe] Do not convert a DataFrame into a list, just to get the column labels.

  3. Naming list elements in R - Stack Overflow

    However, the reason that your second approach (names(filList[i]) <- ) does not work is NOT that "you create a unbound temporary variable whose names you change but which never matters since its just a temporary variable" but rather that the default sub-setting assignment operator [<-does not transfer names (which makes sense since names are ...

  4. To print specific file present in the folders/sub-folders for eg : If you want to list just the csv files then : dir /b/s/A-D/o:gn *.csv >list.txt If you want to also include .xlsx files then the code is : dir /b/s/A-D/o:gn *.csv *.xlsx >list.txt You can mention more file types in the same way. P.S Got to know this one from chatgpt :P

  5. Any of the T-SQL code below will work in SQL Server 2019:-- here, you need to prefix the database name in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM [MSSQL-TEST].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES; -- The next 2 ways will require you to point -- to the specific database you want to list the tables USE [MSSQL-TEST]; -- (1) Using sys.tables SELECT * FROM sys.tables; -- (2) Using sysobjects SELECT ...

  6. In a query editor, if you highlight the text of table name (ex dbo.MyTable) and hit ALT+F1, you'll get a list of column names, type, length, etc. ALT+F1 while you've highlighted dbo.MyTable is the equivalent of running EXEC sp_help 'dbo.MyTable' according to this site

  7. Return a possibly-empty list of path names that match pathname, which must be a string containing a path specification. pathname can be either absolute (like /usr/src/Python-1.5/Makefile) or relative (like ../../Tools/*/*.gif), and can contain shell-style wildcards. Broken symlinks are included in the results (as in the shell)....

  8. Access and preserve list names in lapply function

    Building on joran's answer, and precising it: The sapply(USE.NAMES=T) wrapper will indeed set as names of the final result the values of the vector you are iterating over (and not its names attribute like lapply), but only if these are characters.

  9. It can list all the files in the specified dir and its subdir. Also can filter the output in many ways:-a All files are listed. -d List directories only. -l Follow symbolic links like directories. -f Print the full path prefix for each file. -x Stay on current filesystem only.

  10. If you want to list tables from a specific schema, using a new user-defined alias and passing schema name as a bind argument with only a set of columns being displayed, you may do so using SQL> alias tables_schema = select owner, table_name, last_analyzed from all_tables where owner = :ownr;

  11. Batch File; List files in directory, only filenames?

    4.Save "list.bat" Thats it. now you can copy & paste this "list.bat" file any of your folder location and double click it, it will create a "fileslist.txt" along with that directory folder and file name list. Sample Output: Note: If you want create file name list along with sub folder, then you can create batch file with bellow code.