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  2. Cards on the tableau need to be stacked by alternating color from high rank (King) to low rank (Ace). Empty spots on the tableau can be filled with a King of any suit. Play solitaire with one card turned for free. No download or registration needed.

  3. Free online Solitaire

    Click the stock (on the upper left) to turn over cards onto the waste pile. Drag cards to move them between the waste pile, the seven tableau columns (at the bottom), and the four foundations. You can also double-click cards instead of dragging them to a foundation.

  4. Spider Solitaire (2 Suits)

    Any time you expose a face-down card in a tableau column, that card is automatically turned face-up for you. Empty spots on the tableau can be filled with any card. Play Spider Solitaire for free. No download or registration needed.

  5. Solitaire

    Solitaire. You win! Let's play one more time! New Game turn one (easy)

  6. Since they are so ubiquitous in a game (even a simple one like solitaire), treating them as less than first-class citizen will yield hundreds of lines of unmaintainable animation spaghetti code. So how do you make animations first-class citizens?

  7. What's Next for Me (As of April 2014) - Solitr

    Solitr started off as a weekend project, but then I noticed it started getting actual traffic. I knew that the highest-ranked site for “solitaire” gets over 100k daily visits, so I figured that with ad-monetization alone, there’s probably a business there. Since then, traffic to Solitr has risen to 4000 daily visits (mostly through ...

  8. Technical causes of today's OpenSSL vulnerabilities - Solitr

    Technical causes of today's OpenSSL vulnerabilities. I like to study vulnerabilities to help me write more secure code. Here are the vulnerabilities listed in the March 19th OpenSSL advisory ( secadv_20150319.txt ), ordered by underlying cause.

  9. markdown-rails: Markdown for your views and partials - Solitr

    As described by @tjwallace, there is a simple workaround – use HAML’s :markdown filter: 1 2 3 4. :markdown. **Markdown** goes here. The time is #{}. Still, this leaves your Markdown files indented.

  10. The State of Libsass (versus Ruby Sass) - Solitr

    Jan 29th, 2014. Libsass is a C++ re-implementation of the Ruby-based Sass compiler. It’s an order of magnitude faster than Ruby Sass, but hasn’t seen as much adoption yet. I recently asked Aaron Leung, the current maintainer, about the state of libsass.

  11. Broccoli: First Beta Release - Solitr

    After a long slew of 0.0.x alpha releases, I just pushed out the first beta version, Broccoli 0.1.0. Update March 2015: This post is still up-to-date with regard to architectural considerations, but the syntax used in the examples is outdated. Table of Contents: Quick Example. Motivation / Features.